JCSHYC Endowment Fund
The Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition is a group of local residents and professionals who have come together for a common goal–the safety and well-being of our communities and children. The Coalition is concerned about how drugs and alcohol affect our youth and adults, and is taking action so Jones County can be an even better place for our families to live, work and play. This action is accomplished through a strong strategic plan that incorporates seven strategies to effectively address our goals of collaboration among the community and reduction of substance abuse.
Why Join Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition?
Youth substance use can lead to substance use disorders
Substance use can be at the core of other problems like domestic violence, increasing health care costs, lack of educational achievement and lower economic productivity
Some youth do not understand the risks associated with substance use
Substance use disorders are preventable and treatable
Click here to download our Membership Form.
Your help is needed!
Volunteer… Consider becoming involved in our Coalition efforts by joining us for lunch at our meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:30 and/or joining committees in areas of your expertise.
Donate…It is vital to our organization to secure funding for activities and towards future efforts to reduce substance misuse. In-kind donations of other items and services are also valuable to our work.
Support our partners…Many of our partners are doing prevention work every day through education and enforcement that help make our youth and community safer and healthier.
Take a stand…Do what you can from where you are to support the goals of reducing substance misuse and promoting wellness for youth and adults in Jones County.